Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Do you think your a good parent , take the test!

So the other night i took my girls to the skating rink. We haven't gone skating ever, so heres a first time experience i was not ready for. My youngest is 4 years old a lot harder to teach, well for me at least i'm not patient enough. I can admit to this people and theres nothing wrong with that. When one is skating our mind goes primitive. The don't fall mode is on! No matter how many times you've gone skating , that first step is scary and you do that thing with your hands and hips and it looks like your going to hola-hop to get your balance. I bet you laughed right you know what i mean. Well i'm holding Abri's hand and were going slow and steady and she's learning. Kinda. I cant remember what song was playing not really important. So in the blink of an eye we fall. In my head all i hear is "down goes Frazier". For a split second i want to save my own life and throw my child out the way. People understand me i would never hurt my baby, but when skating the rules change. I don't want to get hurt! Who ever says oh i want to get hurt today. No one! So here we go i'm skating backwards and she's facing forward she falls back takes us down like a rock, not once did i let her hand go i look like Tom Cruse hanging from the bungee in mission impossible . Im doing a split my arms out the baby is safe i bang my knee but so what right. I saved my baby i turned off my animal instinct. People i did it i past the ultimate parent test. Don't believe me go do it your self and see if you don't try and save your self first. This will be the hardest thing you do with your kids ever.

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